
Opening keynote at Partners Convention - BOSCH, Panama City
palestra "Digital Disruption & Trends in Business", Apr. 2016
Closing keynote at Gartner Data & Analytics Conference Mexico
palestra "Artificial Intelligence for Business", Sept.2018
Opening keynote at Novo Nordisk LATAM | Forward Future, Mexico
palestra “Digital Disruption in Business”, May.2019Martha Gabriel > Palestras e Cursos > no Exterior
90. APG (Associação Portuguesa de Gestão de Pessoas), keynote internacional “You, Me and the Robots: Human Futures and Future Humans”, no EXPERIENCE PEOPLE APG, Lisboa/Portugal, 20/outubro/2023
89. University of Luxembourg, “The Art of NFT: Trends and Thoughts”, no AIFA 2022 International Conference (Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Art), online, 28/novembro/2022
88. FAE, keynote internacional “Liderando o Futuro”, no VI Congresso dos Gestores Portugueses — Desafios e Futuro, evento híbrido em Lisboa, 10/novembro/2022
87. Rock in Rio Academy 2022, painel “Confiança e colaboração como base da Cultura de Inovação”, com Marcos Piangers mediado por Renato Duarte, Lisboa/Portugal, 22/junho/2022
86. Novo Nordisk, keynote internacional “The Challenge of Digital Marketing”, no MCE Summit Novo Nordisk, online, 10/dezembro/2021
85. InterNexa, painel “A Importância da Antecipação em Momentos de Crise” com Martha Gabriel e Carlos Ignacio Giraldo (Presidente Diretor InterNexa Brasil), no Foro TransformAcción InterNexa, online, 26/outubro/2021
84. Conselho Regional de Contabilidade CRC-RS, keynote “Inovação na Era Digital”, na 34ª Conferência Interamericana de Contabilidade e a 18ª Convenção de Contabilidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/RS, 20/outubro/2021
83. Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), keynote “Digital Marketing Strategies”, no 6o Fórum Anual Internacional de Governança e Gestão, online, 22/setembro/2021
82. Ambev, keynote “Future Ready Skills”, na “Ambev Global Transformation Summit”, online, 6/agosto/2021
81. Ambev, keynote “Transformação Digital de Negócios”, no Ambev Partner Executive program, do Insper, online, 15/abril/2021
80. Invisalign, keynote “As Habilidades do Futuro”, online, 30/março/2021
79. Electrolux, keynote “Transformação Digital”, online, 26/fevereiro/2021
78. Digitalks Global Summit, keynote “Transformação Digital”, online, 15/dezembro/2020
77. MSD (Merck) Intertemporada 2020 LatAm, keynote “Inovação e Criatividade na Era Digital”, (3 mil pessoas online – Brasil, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, etc), 28/set/2020
76. DSM Corporation, Talk show internacional Latin America keynote “Transformação Digital”, online, 15/set/2020
75. Convenção Novo Nordisk Latin America, keynote “Transformação Digital de Negócios”, Playa del Carmen, México, 8/maio/2019
74. ABIC – Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Café, “Transformação Digital de Negócios”, no 26º ENCAFÉ, Punta Del Este, Uruguai, 26/nov/2018
73. Gartner Group, keynote “Inteligência Artificial para Negócios”, na Conferência Gartner Data & Analytics 2018, Cidade do México, México, 11/set/2018
72. Resultados Digitais, keynote “Transformação Digital de Negócios”, no RD On The Road Internacional, Cidade do México, México, 20/jun/2018
71. Resultados Digitais, keynote “Transformação Digital de Negócios”, no RD On The Road Internacional, Bogotá, Colômbia , 13/jun/2018
70. CLICKsummit, keynote “Disrupção Digital em Business”, Lisboa, Portugal, 9/abr/2016
69. Encontro LaTam BOSCH, keynote “Disrupção Digital em Business”, Panama City, Panamá, 9/abr/2016
68. Crossknowledge Talent Conference 2016, Painel “How to digitalize learning in a non-digital environment”, Paris, França, 17/mar/2016
67. Crossknowledge, Webinar ““Going Digital”: Mudanças Decisivas em Business”, 11/fev/2015
66. GAiN Conference, “Innovation and Creativity”, Baltimore, USA , 14/fev/2014
65. GAiN Conference, keynote “Tech Trends in Business”, Baltimore, USA , 14/fev/2014
64. J.Boye, Master Class “Marketing in the Digital Age”, Aarhus, Dinamarca , 21/jan/2014
63. NUAS Conference, Workshop “Content Marketing for Higher Education”, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Dinamarca, 20/jan/2014
62. NUAS Conference, keynote “Transmedia Storytelling in Markerting”, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Dinamarca , 20/jan/2014
61. HighEdWeb 2013, “The Digital R(E)volution in Education” na Buffalo, NY, USA
60. Participação no Hangout do Future of Storytelling New York, com Dr. Paul Zak Director, Center for Neuroeconomic Studies: “Empathy, Neurochemistry, and the Dramatic Arc” e Charles Melcher – transmissão ao vivo, mundial, 27/fev/2013
59. Hartmann Conference 2012, Workshop “Content Marketing Strategies”, Utrecht, Holanda, 12/out/2012
58. Hartmann Conference 2012, keynote “Transmedia Storytelling in Marketing”, Utrecht, Holanda, 11/out/2012
57. HighEdWeb 2012, “Education: Impacts and Transformations in the Social Media Era” na Milwakee, USA, 8/out/2012
56. Encontro Internacional da COC-Pearson, “Inovação e Criatividade”, em Puntal Del Este, Uruguay, 14/ago/2012
55. CONAC 2012, “Redes Sociais: Riscos e Oportunidades” no Punta del Este, Uruguay, 9/mai/2012
54. Technarte , “Transmedia Storytelling in Art”, 12/abr/2012, Bilbao, Espanha
53. ISC PRE-RSA Meeting, “Social Network: Threats and Opportunities”, 25/fev/2012, San Francisco, USA
52. Palestra keynote “Marketing na Era Digital” para comunidade de executivos nipo-brasileiros em Nagoya, Japão 31/out/2011
51. HighEdWeb 2011, Apresentação de pôster “QRcodes as tools for social strategies”, Austin, TX, out/2011
50. HighEdWeb 2011, “Social & Search”, Austin, TX, out/2011
49. ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Workshop “Mobile Tagging as Tools for Mixed Realitis”, Istambul, Turquia (set/2011)
48. JBoye Conference, keynote “Social and Search – two faces of the same coin”, Philadelphia, USA, maio/2011
47. Encuentro Locaweb Buenos Aires, “Marketing de Búsqueda”, 10/nov/2010
46. CR11 – Making Reality Really Real, “Mobile Tagging as Tools for Mixed Realities”, Trondheim, Norway, 6/nov/2010
45. HighEdWeb 2010, Apresentação do pôster “Colors on the Web: Few Things, Great Results”, 12/out/2010, Cincinnati, USA
44. HighEdWeb 2010, “Mobile Tagging & Mixed Reality”, 12/out/2010, Cincinnati, USA
43. HighEdWeb 2010, “SEO & SMO: Promoting your website”, 11/out/2010, Cincinnati, USA
42. EVA Electronic and Virtual Arts, “Voice Interfaces in Electronic Art”, London, UK, 6/jul/2010
38, 39, 40 & 41. Conference ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Arts at Ulster University, Belfast, Ireland. Four presentations/papers: (1)“Developing Voice interfaces with Open Standards (VoiceXML) in Artworks”, (2)“Mobile Tagging and Mixed Realities in Art”, (3) “Sensitive Rose and the Mobile Tags Era”and (4) “Appealing Technologies: Friends or Friendly Enemies?” (aug/2009).
37. Conference “SCANZ 2009: Raranga tangata – The Weaving Together of People” – New Plymouth, New Zealand – Presentation via Skype from Brazil to New Zealand (see picture below taken in New Zealand): “Digital Oracles and the Search Dictatorship”(feb/2009).
35 & 36. Invited by Dene Grigar & John Barber from the Digital Technology and Culture (DTC) Program at Washington State University Vancouver, WA, USA, to present the workshop“Second Life” for the students and the presentation“Digital Oracles and the Search Dictatorship” for the university library board. On Oct/9 at night, invited to present the artwork “SKINdoscope in SL” at the Northbank Artists Gallery (oct/2008).
33 & 34. Congress “HighEdWeb 2008: Infinite Solutions” – Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, USA – Presentation “Colors on the Web: Few Things, Great Results” and the poster presentation “SMO & SEO: Promoting your Website”. Annual IT congress focused on internet solutions and development (oct/2008). Winner of the “Best of Track Presentation” Award in the “Poster” track.
32. Conference “Chain Reaction – 3rd Upgrade! International Meeting” – Skopje, Macedonia – Presentation:“Voice in Electronic Art: From Whistle to Speech Recognition”(sept/2008).
29, 30 & 31. Conference “ISEA 2008 – International Symposium on Electronic Arts” – Singapore Management University, Singapore – Three presentations: “Voice in Electronic Art: From Whistle to Speech Recognition”, “SKINdoscope in Second Life”, and “Life and Art in Second Life” (jul/2008).
28. Conference “Counsciousness Reframed 9: New Realities, Being Syncretic” – University of Applied Arts of Vienna, Vienna, Austria – Presentation “Digital Oracles” (jul/2008).
27. Conference “ELO Conference 2008: Visionary Landscapes” – Washington State University, Vancouver, WA, USA – Presentation“Digital Oracles” (may/2008).
26. Conference “HighEdWebDev 2007: Collaborate, Participate, Innovate” – University of Rochester & RIT – Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA – Presentation “Second Life, First Impressions”, presented LIVE via Second Life (oct/2007).
25. Conference “INTERACT 2007” – Socially Resposible Interaction Conference – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Interactive poster “Voice Interfaces in Art – An Experimentation with Web Open Standards as a Model to Increase Web Accessibility and Digital Inclusion” (sept/2007).
24. Conference “CHI 2007” – Computer Human Interaction Conference – San Jose, CA, USA. Presentation “Voice in Electronic Art – From Whistle to Speech Recognition” at the workshop “Striking a C[h]ord: Vocal Interaction in Assistive Technologies, Games and More” (apr/2007).
22 & 23. Congress “HighEdWebDev 2006: Collective Intelligence” – University of Rochester & RIT – Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA – Presentations “SEO – Search Engine Optimization: Tips & Tricks” and also“VoiceXML: Talking to the Web”. Annual IT & Web congress focused on internet solutions and development (oct/2006).
21. “Upgrade!Boston – new media and the poetics of communitcation” – Art Interactive & Turbulence, Boston, USA – Presentation“Voice Mosaic, Community of Words and Digital Oracles”(aug/2006). (In the picture:Bonnie Mitchell, Martha Gabriel, Jo-Anne Green and Adam Brown).
20. Congress “SIGGRAPH 2006” – The 33rd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques – Boston, USA – presentation “Voice Mosaic”(aug/2006).
18 & 19. Congress Consciousness Reframed 8 – University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK – Presentation/paper“Voice Mosaic: Talking to the web”, and also“Community of Words” (in joint with Silvia Laurentiz). Annual conference about art and technology convened by Planetary Collegium, and chaired by Mr Roy Ascott. (jul/2006)
16 & 17. Congress “HighEdWebDev 2005: Building Conections” – University of Rochester & RIT – Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA – Workshop “Web-Human Interfaces: Colors, Multimedia, Voice & Trends” and the presentation “Aural Style Sheets: Improving Accessibility & Going Beyond”. Annual IT & Web congress focused on internet solutions and development (nov/2005). (In the picture: Martha & Steve Krug – keynote speaker of the conference author of the best seller “Don’t Make Me Think”)
15. Conference “SIGGRAPH 2005: The 32nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques” – Los Angeles, CA, USA – Position Paper “Voice Interfaces on the Web” presented in the Panel“WWAI: How is the Web Growing? Into a Social Super-Organism or a Mass of Disconnected Information?” (aug/2005).
13 & 14. Presentation at IAMAS (Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences) – Ogaki, Japan – Martha Gabriel with Aloice Secco and Cecilia Saito to present the art work developed in joint “No War One World”, and also Martha’s individual art work “Voice Mosaic”. Informal visit and presentation invited by Prof. Itsuo Sakane. (dec/2004).
11 & 12. Congress “Consciousness Reframed 2004 – Qi & Complexity “ – Beijing, China – Presentation/paper “High Tech, High Touch Web Interfaces: Colors, Multimedia and VoiceXML”, and also “No War One World” (in joint with Aloice Secco and Cecilia Saito). Annual conference about art and technology convened by Planetary Collegium, and chaired by Mr Roy Ascott. (nov/2004).
9 & 10. Congress “HighEdWebDev 2004: e-Merging Visions” – University of Rochester & RIT – Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA – Workshop “Web-Human Interfaces: Colors, Multimedia & Trends” and the presentation “VoiceXML: Talking to the Web”. Annual IT congress focused on internet solutions and development (oct/2004). “Best of Conference Presentation” Award and “Best of Track Presentation” Award in the “Technical” track.
7 & 8. Congress “CUMREC 2004“ – Austin, TX, USA – Invited to present “High Tech, High Touch Web Interfaces: Colors, Multimedia and VoiceXML” as Featured Presentation and to host the Special Interest Group “Web Development & Techniques”. Annual IT conference for Higher Education – an EDUCAUSE affiliate (may/2004).
5 & 6. Congress “WebdevShare 2003: Making Waves” – Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA – Presentations “Colors on the Web – Few Things, Great Results” and “Multimedia on the Web – Why, When and How”. Annual IT congress focused on internet solutions and development (oct/2003). “Best Presentation” Award in the “Content: Strategies & Design” track.
4. Congress “WebdevShare 2002: Sharing Solutions” – Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA – Presentation “Colors on the Web – Few Things, Great Results”. Annual IT congress focused on internet solutions and development (oct/2002).
3. Congress “WebdevShare 2001: A Web Odyssey” – Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA – Presentation“Multimedia Applications as Customized Browsers”. Annual IT congress focused on internet solutions and development (oct/2001).
2. Congress “WebdevShare 2000: Evolve” – Bloomington, IN, USA – Presentation“Multimedia on the web – Vantages and Disadvantages”. Annual IT congress focused on internet solutions and development (oct/2000).
1. Congress “Web Design & Development 98” – Boston, MA, USA – Presentation “Developing Web Sites for Kids”, track “Usability”. Largest IT congress in US about development and design for the web, focused on emergent technologies and trends (sept/98).