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“Futurismo: os futuros de hoje não são mais como os de antigamente” . In: MIT Technology Review BR, Jun/2021
“O Estudo dos Futuros em uma Visão 360 Graus”. In: Revista HSM 144  (pg 8 a 11), Jan/2021
“Mobile Tagging and Mixed Realities”. In: SIGGRAPH 2009: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Book of Proceedings, ISBN: 0730-0301 , Aug/2009 (in Eng.)
“Tecnologias Móveis: Amigos ou Inimigos Disfarçados?” (Mobile Technologies: Friends or Friendly Enemies?”. In: Apropriações do (In) Comum – Espaço Público e Privado em Tempos de Mobildade , E-Book, Org: G. Beiguelman, Lucas Bambozzi, Marcus Bastos e Rodrigo Minelli, mai/2009 (in Port & Eng.)
Download the e-book: (21 Mb)
“Digital Oracles and the Search Dictatorship”. In: SCANZ 2009: Raranga tangata – The Weaving Together of People, Book of Abstracts, Pages 12-13. New Plymouth, New Zealand, Feb/2009 (in Eng.)
Participations in the Vivo Festival and Symphosium: artwork “Locative Painting” and panels “Mixed Realities” and “Mobile Media and Art in Brazil” In: Vivo 3rd International Art Festival on Mobile Media, Catalog, Pages 42-48, 56-57 and 76-77. Nov/2008 (in Port. and Eng.)
“Voice in Electronic Art: From Whistle to Speech Recognition”, by Martha Gabriel – In “Chain Reaction 2008 – Lectures” Catalog, pg.12-13. Editor: Upgrade! International, Skopje, Macedonia, sept/2008 (in english)
“Locative Painting”, by Martha Gabriel – In “Chain Reaction 2008 – Exhibition” Catalog, pg.6. Editor: Upgrade! International, Skopje, Macedonia, sept/2008 (in english)
“Locative Painting”, by Martha Gabriel – In FILE São Paulo 2008 – Two Thousand and Eight Million Pixels (Dois Mil e Oito Milhões de Pixels) Catalog, pg.143. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, aug/2008 (in portuguese and english)
“Voice in Electronic Art – From Whistle to Speech Recognition” and “Life and Art in Second Life” In: ISEA 2008 – 14th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Proceedings, Pages 177-180. July. 2008. ISBN 978-981-08-0768-9. (in English)
“Digital Oracles and the Search Dictatorship” In: Conference “Counsciousness Reframed 9: New Realities, Being Syncretic”, Book of Conference Proceedings, Page 123-126. July. 2008. ISBN 978-3-211-78890-5. SpringerWienNewYork. (in English)
“Voice Interfaces in Art – An experimentation with web open standards as a model to increase web accessibility and digital inclusion” – In: UPA Usability Professionals’ Association International Conference 2008, Proceedings CD. (in English)
“Voice Mosaic – Talking to the Web” – In: Leonardo, Transactions, April 2008, Vol. 41, No. 2, Pages 114-115. Posted Online March 27, 2008. (doi:10.1162/leon.2008.41.2.114). ISSN 0024-094X. MIT Press. (in English)
“Novas Ferramentas em Marketing: Vantagens Comparativas no Uso da Internet” – In: MBA | Executivo – Uma abordagem multisciplinar – Gestão – TI – Projetos Especiais. São Paulo: Ed. Saraiva, abr/2008. 352 páginas, ISBN: 978-85-02-06762-2. (in portuguese)
“Voice Interfaces in Art – An Experimentation with Web Open Standards as a Model to Increase Web Accessibility and Digital Inclusion”, by Martha Gabriel – InINTERACT 2007 – Human Computer Interaction Conference Proceedings (11th IFIP TC 13) (ISBN 978-3-540-74799-4), LNCS 4663, p. 669 ff. Editor: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, sept/2007 (in english)
“SKINdoscope”, by Martha Gabriel – In FILE Festival 2007 – Geomatrix Reconfigures Habits (Geomatriz Hábitos Reconfigurados) Catalog (ISBN 978-85-89730-07-5), pg.89. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, aug/2007 (in portuguese and english)
II Business and Marketing International Symposium, paper “SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Management as Competitive Advantage for a Company” by Martha Gabriel – In the conference proceedings. ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil, jul/2007 (in portuguese)
USIHC 2007 – 7o Internation Congress on Ergonomy and Human-Computer Interfaces Usability, paper “Voice Interfaces in Hypermidiact Environments” by Martha Gabriel – In the conference proceedings (ISBN: 85-902862-5-8). Camboriu, SC, Brazil, jul/2007 (in portuguese)
CHI 2007 – Computer Human Interaction Conference , paper “Voice in Electronic Art – From Whistle to Speech Recognition” by Martha Gabriel – In the Workshop “Striking a C[h]ord: Vocal Interaction in Assistive Technologies, Games and More” proceedings. San Jose, CA, USA, apr/2007 (in english)
“Digital Oracles”, by Martha Gabriel – In FILE Rio 2007 Catalog (ISBN 978-85-89730-06-8), pg.91. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, mar/2007 (in portuguese and english)
Telecommunication Art in Brazil, by Martha Gabriel – In MESH 19 – Global/Regional Perspectives Electronic Magazine (ISSN: 1447-4646). Editor:, Australia, sept/2006 (in english)
“Digital Oracles”, by Martha Gabriel – In FILE Festival 2006 – Arte Máquina (Machine Art) Catalog (ISBN 85-89730-05-0), pg.117. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, aug/2006 (in portuguese and english)
“Voice Mosaic” (moZaico de voSes), by Martha Gabriel – In SIGGRAPH Art Gallery 2006 – Electronic Art and Animation Catalog (ISBN: 1-59593-365-4 / ISSN: 1098-6154), pg. 49, SIGGRAPH – Boston, jul-aug/2006 (in English).
“Voice Mosaic: Talking to the Web”, by Martha Gabriel – In Consciousness Reframed 8 – art & consciousness in the post biological era– conference proceedings (ISBN 1-84102-158-X), pg 13-14. Editor: Roy Ascott. Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK, jul/2006.
“Community of Words”, by Silvia Laurentiz & Martha Gabriel – InConsciousness Reframed 8 – art & consciousness in the post biological era – conference proceedings (ISBN 1-84102-158-X), pg 26. Editor: Roy Ascott. Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK, jul/2006.
“Oráculos Digitais” (Digital Oracles), by Martha Gabriel – In FILE Symposium Rio 2006 (ISBN 85-89730-04-2), pg.174. Editor:FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, mar/2006 (in portuguese only).
“moZaico de voSes” (Voice Mosaic), by Martha Gabriel – In FILE Festival Rio 2006(ISBN 85-89730-04-2), pg.103. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, mar/2006 (in portuguese only).
“Comunidade de Palavras” (Community of Words), by Martha Gabriel & Silvia Laurentiz – In FILE Festival Rio 2006 (ISBN 85-89730-04-2), pg.114. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Rio de Janeiro, mar/2006 (in portuguese only).
“Ambientes Virtuais Multiusuários: uma vazão entre o individual e o coletivo” (Multiuser Virtual Environments: a flow between the individual and the collective) , by Martha Gabriel & Silvia Laurentiz – In II Congresso Internacional – Brasil, Identidade e Alteridade Conference proceedings CD-Rom (ISSN 1808-9615), N.2, Vol.1, Nov.2005. Editor: ABES – Associação Brasileira de Estudos Semióticos. nov/2005 (in portuguese only).
Interview with Prof. Itsuo Sakane, founder of IAMAS” (in Tokyo, dec.2004), by Martha Gabriel, Aloice Secco & Cecilia Saito – In FILE Script Digital Magazine. Editor: FILE, Sao Paulo, nov/2005 (in english &portuguese).
“moZaico de voSes” (Voice Mosaic), by Martha Gabriel – In FILE Festival 2005 – Hipermídias – Hypermedia (ISBN 85-89730-03-4), pg.93. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, nov/2005 (in portuguese only).
“Comunidade de Palavras” (Community of Words), by Martha Gabriel & Silvia Laurentiz – In FILE Festival 2005 – Hipermídias – Hypermedia (ISBN 85-89730-03-4), pg.103. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, nov/2005 (in portuguese only).
“O Bit Nosso de Cada Dia” (Our Daily Bit), by Martha Gabriel – In I Mostra de Pós-Graduação Conference proceedings (ISBN 85-87985-07-8), pg.260-262. Editor:Unicentro Belas Artes. sept/2005 (in portuguese only).
“moZaico de voSes” (Voice Mosaic), by Martha Gabriel – In 15o International Festival of Electronic Art Videobrasil – Catalog (ISBN: 85-99277092-2), pg. 59,Associação Cultural Videobrasil – SESC-SP, São Paulo, sept/2005 (in Portuguese).
“WWAI: How is the Web Growing? Into a Social Super-Organism or a Mass of Disconnected Information?” Panel, by Robert Lisek, Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Monika May, Alessandro Ludovico, and Martha Gabriel – In SIGGRAPH 2005 Full Conference DVD-ROM (ISBN 1-59593-099-X), ACM SIGGRAPH. jul/2005 (in English only).
“moZaico de voSes” (Voice Mosaic), by Martha Gabriel – Inprog:ME International Festival of Electronic Art – Catalog: work at pg. 93, Honorable Mention at pg. 135. prog:ME – Rio de Janeiro, Jul/2005 (in Portuguese & English).
 O papel do professor na era da interface(The Teacher’s Role in the Interface Age), by Martha Gabriel – InRevista Momento do Professor (ISSN: 1807-9849 – on-line version, ISSN: 1807-4723 – printed version), pg. 43 to 48,Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. jun/2005 (in portuguese only).
 Entre a Máquina e o Homem (Between the Machine and the Man), by Martha Gabriel – In Cibercultura Electronic Magazine (ISSN 1679-6756), Itaú Cultural. mar/2005 (in portuguese only).
“inter.ferences” , by Martha Gabriel – InFILE Festival 2004 Catalog (ISBN 85-89730-02-6), pg.51. Editor: FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, nov/2004 (in portuguese only).
High Tech High Touch Web Interfaces , by Martha Gabriel – InConsciousness Reframed 2004 – Qi & Complexity– conference proceedings. Editor: Roy Ascott. Beijing, nov/2004.
 No War One World – by Martha Gabriel, Cecilia Saito, and Aloice Secco – In Consciousness Reframed 2004 – Qi & Complexity– conference proceedings. Editor: Roy Ascott. Beijing, nov/2004.
“No War One World”, by Martha Gabriel, Aloice Secco & Cecilia Saito – In FILE Festival 2003 – New Medias / Novas Mídias (ISBN 85-89730-03-4), pg.31. Editor:FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, nov/2003 (in portuguese only).