| livros by Martha | papers by Martha | about Martha |
Programa Urban View – allTV, 16.dec/2009 – Giberto Brant entrevista Martha Gabriel sobre Marketing Digital, Mobile e o produto Brasil (Giberto Brant interviews Martha Gabriel about Digital Marketing, Mobile and Brasil)(video in portuguese). |
Blog “Mídias Sociais” (Social Media Blog), nov/2009 – Interview Martha Gabriel Fala sobre Mídias Sociais (Martha Gabriel talks about Social Media) (in portuguese). |
Blog “Gerenciando Blog”, sept/2009 – Review do Show Day Estratégias Digitais com Martha Gabriel (Digital Strategies Show Day with Martha Gabriel) (in portuguese). |
TV Cultura de Bolso – Programa Mundaréu, jul/2009 – Interview about Artes de Novas Mídias (Martha Gabriel’s New Media Art) (video in portuguese). |
Globo Universidade – programa de 18.jul.2009 na ESPM, jul/2009 – Interview about Marketing de Busca (Search Marketing) (video in portuguese). |
Anonimato em Evidência, jun/2009 – Interview about Educação (Education) (video in portuguese). |
TV 1, 4/mai/2009 – Interview about Web Semântica (semantic web) (video in portuguese). See below: | |
Web Semântica |
IG newTV, 4/mar/2009 – Interview to Marcelo Godoy about QR Codes, Twitter and Mixed Reality (in portuguese). See below: | |
QR Code: o que é isso? Twitter e Privacidade Realidade Mista |
Revista Locaweb, n.12, out/2008 – Article “SEO Eficiente: 10 Truques Essenciais Para Criar um Search Engine Optimization que Funciona com Precisão”(Efficient SEO: 10 Essential Tips for Criating a Search Engine Optimization that Works with Accuracy) (in portuguese). |
Revista Locaweb, n.10, out/2008 – Interview “A escritora Martha Gabriel explica porque a criação de sites deve privilegiar as pessoas e não a tecnologia”(The writer Martha Gabriel explains why the website development must privilege people, not technology) (in portuguese). |
“Instituto Sergio Motta” website, oct/2008 – News “Vencedores HTTPTAGs”(Winners HTTPTAGs Festival) (in portuguese). |
“ Provocação“, blog, 14.sept.2008 – “Meu site não aparece no Google“ (My website doesn’t appear in Google) (in portuguese). |
Blog Meio Bit, ago/2008 – News “Meio Bit Expo drops (XI)” (in portuguese). |
Blog do “Instituto Sergio Motta”, jul/2008 – News “As interfaces de Martha Gabriel”(Martha Gabriel’s Interfaces) (in portuguese). |
“Marketing Online Visinário“, blog, jul.2008 – “Marketing de Otimização de Buscas na Web“ (in portuguese). |
Blog Meio Bit, jun/2008 – News Livro: “Marketing de Otimização de Buscas na Web” (in portuguese). |
Blog INFO – Internet Buzz, por Sandra Carvalho, jun/2008 – News “Por fora de SEO e SEM?” (in portuguese). |
“Festival Conexões Tecnológicas 2008” website, may/2008 – News “Júri Festival Conexões Tecnológicas” (Technological Conections Festival Jurors) (in portuguese). |
“Nokia Trends 2007” website, dec/2007 – News “Nokia Trends: Line Up/ Artistas”(Line Up/ Artists) (in portuguese). |
“Renderosity Art Community“ USA, Dec.2006 – “The Aural Of Art – Interview with Martha Carrer Cruz Gabriel“ by Dee-Marie (in English). |
“UOL Diversão e Arte“ USA, Dec.2006 – “Fiat Mostra Brasil escolhe 30 artistas que participarão de exposição“ (in portuguese). |
“ Speech Synthesis, Voice Recognition, and 3-D Sound“, Sept.2006 – “Intersections of Art, Technology, Science & Culture – Links“, by Stephen Wilson (in English). |
“Dr Reinhold Grether’s directory to mobile art and locative media” 2006- “Mobile Art”, by Dr Reinhold Grether (in English). |
“Experimenta – Mesh#19“, Australia, Sept.2006 – ” MESH 19 – Global/Regional Perspectives“, by Emma McRae and Maria Rizzo (in English). |
“CG Magazine” China, Sept.2006- “SIGGRAPH 2006 Electronically Mediated Performances”, by Chen Wu Wei; (in English). |
“Blog Oficial da Locaweb“ Brazil, Aug.2006- “Portal de Voz – do Business à Arte”; (in Portuguese). |
“Guto Requena“ website, Brazil, Sept.2006-“Entre a Máquina e o Homem” (in Portuguese). |
“Cronópios“, Brazil, Aug.2006 – ” Não Ponha no Gancho“, por Fábio O. Nunes; (in Portuguese). |
“Renderosity Art Community“ USA, jul.2006 – “Interview with Bonnie Mitchell — SIGGRAPH 2006 Art Gallery Chair“ (in English). |
“Programa Janela Eletrônica”, Dec.09.2005 – Martha Gabriel is interviewed by Francisco César Filho about her electronic art career and works(TV SENAC) – In the picture: Francisco César Filho, Martha Carrer Cruz Gabriel, Didado Azambuja & Elaine Mattos. |
“Belas Artes de São Paulo” website, Sept.19.2005- “Martha Gabriel expõe no 15º Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica Vídeobrasil” (in Portuguese). |
“Ingenio 400 – Fourth Centennial of Don Quixote” Spain, jul.2005 – “Voice Mosaic selected for Ingenio400” (In English and Spanish). |
“Net Art” website, May.21.2005 – “moZaico de voSes no portal net art: perspectivas criativas e críticas” (in portuguese only). |
“Turbulence.org” website, May.21.2005 – “Voice Mosaic spotlighted at Turbulence.org “ (in english only). |
“Itaú Cultural” website HP, 11.mar.2005 – Article “Entre a máquina e o homem” linking the article in Cibercultura Eletronic Magazine (in portuguese only). |
“Anhembi Morumbi University” website, jan/2005 – News“Premiações de 2004 refletem a qualidade da Anhembi Morumbi” (in portuguese only).
“Anhembi Morumbi University” website, dec/2004 – News“Professor gave the Best Presentation at an international congress” (in portuguese only). |
“O Que & Quem” website, ago/2004 – “Martha Gabriel, moZaico de voSes” (in portuguese only). |
“IUPUI” (Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis) website, jun/2004 – American Philosophy page “M.A. in Philosophy, at IUPUI” (in english only). |
“Mundo Cor” (Color World) website, mar/2004 – Article“Color, a fundamental element in website development” (in Portuguese only). |
“Secretaria de Estado da Cultura de São Paulo” website, aug/2003 – Article “Paço das Artes’ hosts the FILE- Eletronic Language International Festival for the second following year” (in Portuguese only). |
Newspaper “Correio Popular de Campinas”, mar/2003 – Interview “Monica’s Gang, inside the website” (in Portuguese only). |
“Chiques & Famosos” Magazine, may/2000 – Article “iBest awards the best on the Net”(in Portuguese only). |
Veja Magazine, Special Edition “Digital Life”, dec/1999 – Article “.. and the chip made the woman” (in Portuguese only). |
“About” Magazine, oct/1999 – Article “The companies that make the Brazilian interactive media” (in Portuguese only). |
“iBest Magazine”, jul.aug/1999 – Article“iBest Forum’99: Revealing the secrets of the best websites of the country.” (in Portuguese only). |
“Internet World” Magazine, jul/1998 – Article “From Comic Strips to the WEB” (in Portuguese only). |
“Internet World” Magazine, jul/1997 – Article “We are on the wave of the moment” (in Portuguese only). |